How to Create an Investor Data Room

Investor data rooms are space where companies can store documents they use to conduct due diligence when seeking funds or conducting M&A. They help to keep track of and share progress in due diligence.

When creating your investor information room, it is important to be thorough and include everything that an LP would want to see to ensure they’re getting the most accurate representation of your fund and that you’ve followed the correct procedures. LPs might need to see the names and bios of the team members, a summary of fund performance over time and a current fund agreement and other pertinent documents.

It’s also a good idea to present a financial history of your start-up and forward-looking projections. Most LPs will review these in detail and want to confirm that your model was properly constructed, is resistant to market volatility, and that you are in the right place to estimate a fair value for your company. Sturppy is a tool that is used by more than 4,000 startups to create financial models that are investor-ready.

Also, it is important to remember that the virtual data room gives you the possibility of setting access to documents based on what should be shared with whom. This allows you to ensure that only those who need to be aware will have access to your sensitive information. You can limit who is able to view your document with tools like watermarking, expiring links and granular permissions.

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