Category Taxi Rent

PRICE BEST TAXI Podgorica Montenegro

We have partnered with multiple taxi companies from hundreds of locations. Choose any date and time from our Budva to Kotor timetable for taxi services. When travelling by taxi, the Budva to Kotor travel time depends heavily on traffic conditions.…

Red vožnje i karte Podgorica Zlatibor

Naša redovna usluga je pojedinačni prevoz putnika (shuttle services), kao i grupni za koji Vam nudimo i posebne popuste. Putuj Udobno pruža uslugu kombi prevoza do Crne Gore po principu prevoza putnika od vrata do vrata. To znači da Vi…

Budva Taxis Airport Transfers Podgorica

With us, you can have peace of mind during your visit to Serbia and Balkans. You can select between payment by PayPal or payment in the car (we accept cash and cards). Book a standard vehicle transfer from Budva to…

Zakon o prevozu u drumskom saobraćaju Crna Gora

Stari grad u Dubrovniku je jedna od najpopularnijih destinacija na Jadranu kroz koji tokom svake godine prođe više miliona turista. Samo preko aerodroma, u Dubrovnik stigne (ili iz njega otputuje) više od milion putnika. Na godišnji plan raspodjele dozvola, može…

Kotor to Tivat Bus: Book Cheap Tickets

Choose the suitable transfer class and click “Book” to proceed to the booking. The reason is the same — buses in Montenegro are a popular type of transport, so the tickets should be bought in advance as there might not…

How to get to Pg taxi in Podgorica by Bus?

We might use your IP address and browser type to help analyze usage patterns and diagnose problems on this Site and improve the service we offer to you. But without additional information, your IP address does not identify you as…


1) Za spise i radnje iz ovog tarifnog broja plaća se taksa ako međunarodnim ugovorom nije drukčije određeno. 2) Za rješenje kojim se sredstvo za zaštitu bilja (pesticid) upisuje u registar sredstava za zaštitu bilja (pesticida) 100,00. 1) Za rješenje…